Olivier Art Consultant

In the logo of art consultants from Montreal, there are several interesting elements:

  1. The rhyme between the rings of “O” and “C”, immediately catching the eye.
  2. The contrast between the ordered and chaotic elements. The structure of “ring - strokes - ring”, with disorder in the central block.
  3. The physicality of the entire construction — the sticks in the center don't fall due to support from the sides, resembling books between supports.
  4. The chaos in the center only exists until you read the name. Afterward, the sticks group into pairs and form an “A” without the central crossbar (a common technique when working with Latin script).
  5. Perhaps the most challenging aspect to decipher is the sticks of the letter “A”. They are not books but paintings (when viewed from the front). They seem like they are standing in an artist's studio in a haphazard stack, leading the eye toward the “Olive” in Olivier.

One confusing aspect is that the textual part appears bolder than the symbol, although the strokes are very close in thickness. This might be due to the density of the text. Probably, it would look more even with a slightly thinner font.

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Olivier Art Consultant