Malin Och Cecilia

MOC is a children's online store offering high-quality toys and interior items.
The idea, as described by the creators, is simple: “The fact that children's toys are almost always bought as gifts inspired us to let the name MOC form a ribbon on top of a gift package.”
- Lines of uniform width and color effectively separate the logo from the colorful blocks and pyramids, conveying a festive mood.
- The logo seamlessly incorporates the name — an abbreviation of “Malin Och Cecilia”, where Malin and Cecilia are the founders' names, and “och” means “and” in Swedish. The ribbon is twisted in a way that allows it to be read as “M&C” without distorting the meaning, making it clearer for non-Swedish speakers.
- It's interesting how the graphics exude energy:
- Angles are slanted, not rounded as one might expect from a children's logo.
- The ribbons pass through the box's center, drawing attention away from this segment due to its calm symmetry.
- The ends of all ribbons conform to the structure of the letters, enhancing their character, rather than being simply cut at a 90° angle.