Nike Air. Sole purpose

Nike has a strong design team, producing a lot of cool designs, including graphics. Many product lines and series have their own logos, which they update with almost every new model.

With the update for the Tokyo Olympics, the Air line got a cool new logo. It's minimalist and easily readable within the brand context.

The strength of this logo, compared to the previous ones, lies in its imagery. The letters are round, chubby, and the structure is inflated (due to the support of “I”). Modularity works on two fronts: 1) catching the eye through repetition, 2) conveying the structure of the sole's air chambers. Quoting from an excellent story about the project: “At its core, the Air logo is based on the simple and pure geometry of a circle. The circle can represent the concept of an air molecule, a bubble, or even a simplified air bag.”

Additionally, the Nike Air design is a striking composition without unnecessary words and graphic elements.

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